
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Linda Bauld - Director, National Board Resource Center (Stanford University)

Linda Bauld, NBCT
Director, National Board Resource Center
Stanford University

For 23 years I taught grades 2-5 in a Title I school in San Mateo. A year ago I retired and moved into the role of director of the NBRC in order to support teachers as they pursue National Board Certification and to provide a resource for teacher leadership.

Professional development in my district was spotty, inconsistent, and often
irrelevant to my needs. I was hungry to find the answers to these questions.

1. Develop herself as a professional?
2. Get a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses in her practice?
3. Collaborate over time with accomplished colleagues?
4. Make permanent changes that improve student learning?

Teacher-driven professional development focused on impacting student learning. This must occur over multiple sessions, require a high level of collaboration and analysis, and be applicable immediately.  Three ways for teachers to do this are:

1. Lesson Study
2. National Board Certification
3. Self Study

Please see the resources below.

The three Rs in professional development rigorous, reflective, and relevant!
Favorite quote by outgoing NEA President: Proceed until apprehended!


Lesson Study
A form of teacher research around an instructional challenge. Teachers
research, inquire, create a lesson, watch one member of the team teach it, collect student
data, revise the lesson based on student data, then another member teaches the revised
1. Lesson Study Step by Step How Teacher Learning Communities Improve 
3. Mills Teacher Scholars

4. Catherine Lewis Mills College

National Board Certification
Teacher created, teacher assessed, voluntary national certification. It is considered our profession’s highest certification. It involves 1-3 years, analyzing, reflecting, and documenting your practice by writing, video, and assessment. The intense analysis and reflection coupled with collaborating with other candidates results in a clear understanding of yourself as a teacher and improved instructional skills. When done as a group at a site, it can change a school.

1. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

2. National Board Resource Center, Stanford University

3. Check your local district and association

Self Study
A critical and systematic examination of an aspect of your practice in order to improve upon it.

We use the words …self-study as a component of reflection in which teachers systematically and critically examine their actions and the context of those actions as a way of developing a more consciously driven mode of professional activity (Samaras, 2002).

1. Self-Study of Teaching Practices

2. Self-Study Research Methodologies for Teacher Educators

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